In today’s world the second largest consumed beverage is tea after water. Herbal Tea is the new emerging trend among the health conscious people. Herbal tea is made from infusion or by boiling the herbs, spices or dissolved chemicals from herbal or plant material in water to extract the active herbal ingredients. These herbal teas are taken from eminent true teas like black, green, yellow, etc.

It is made from the cured leaves of tea plant Camellia Sinensis and also from decaffeinated tea. Like beverages, herbal tea can be presented as hot or cold. Herbal tea can be consumed as iced tea too by chilling it with ice cubes in summer season. Herbal tea can be consumed with sugar or honey, with or without fruit juices for health conscious people and diabetic people.

Drinking herbal tea cuts down caffeine intake and helps in reducing sugar level. There are various types of herbal teas like ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rosehip, mint, chamomile, etc. Herbal Tea Market Segmentation: Herbal tea market is segmented on the basis of raw material type, flavor type, packaging type, product type and region.

On the basis of raw material type, the herbal tea market is segmented as black tea, green tea and yellow tea. Out of these segments black herbal tea market share is less as compared to green herbal tea which is recognized as nutritious and healthier to the young generation especially.

Green herbal tea provides wider spectrum of varieties and new product developments in relation to black herbal tea. On the basis of product type herbal tea is segmented as instant premixes, liquid and powdered RTD and syrups. From these given segments powdered instant premixes are being widely used as it is easy to carry anywhere and is favorable in every season.

Liquid herbal tea is consumed on a large scale as a refreshing drinks which contributes a rapid growth in herbal tea market. The syrup includes sugar and herbal tea extracts which is mostly used by the young generation benefiting to increase the market share of herbal tea market.

Learn more about tea trends.