Turn to Cod for Weight Loss

January 21/Reykjavik, Iceland/Pharma Investments, Ventures & Law Weekly -- According to a study from Reykjavik, Iceland, "In a cross-European study, it was recently shown that consumption of cod increases weight loss in men and also has other positive health effects. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cod consumption increases weight Loss and improves cardiovascular risk factors in a dose dependent manner during an 8-week energy restriction diet in young overweight and obese healthy adults."

"In this dietary intervention, 126 subjects (20-40 years, BMI 27.5-32.5kg/m(2)) comprised the group given energy-restricted diets (-30%); they were prescribed an identical macronutrient composition but different amounts of cod: the control group were given no seafood; group 1 were given 150g cod three times a week; and group 2 were given 150g cod five times a week. Anthropometric measurements and cardiovascular risk factors were assessed at baseline and endpoint. Body weight decreased after eight-weeks (5.0 +/- 2.9kg, P<0.001), also waist circumference (5.0 +/- 3.2cm, P<0.001), BMI (1.65 +/- 0.95kg, P<0.001), systolic (3.4 +/- 8.9mmHg, P=0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (2.4 +/- 6.9mmHg, P<0.001), triglycerides (1.26 +/- 0.567mmol/L, P=0.030) and insulin (1.21 +/- 5.31mU/L, P=0.025). The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome dropped from 29 to 21%. According to linear models weight loss was 1.7kg greater among subjects consuming 150g 5x/week compared to the control group (P<0.015). The trend analysis supported a dose-response relationship between cod consumption and weight toss (P<0.001), but changes of other measured cardiovascular risk factors were similar between the groups," wrote A. Ramel and colleagues, Landspitali University.

The researchers concluded, "A dose-response relationship between cod consumption and weight loss during an 8-week energy restriction diet is found and 5 x 150g cod/week results in 1.7kg greater weight loss in young overweight or obese adults than a isocaloric diet without seafood."

Ramel and colleagues published the results of their research in Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases ("Consumption of Cod and Weight Loss in Young Overweight and Obese Adults on an Energy-reduced Diet for Eight Weeks." Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2009;19(10):690-696).

For additional information, contact A. Ramel, University of Iceland, Unit Nutrition Research, Landspitali University Hospital, Eiriksgata 29, IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland.

From the February 1, 2010, Prepared Foods E-dition