Interest in Whole Grain Foods Rises
Increased interest in the nutritional benefits of whole grain foods has elevated consumer demand for a wider selection of product choices. MGP Ingredients Inc., one of the country's largest producers of specialty wheat proteins and wheat starches, offers Arise[r] and Fibersym[tm] lines of wheat protein isolates and resistant starches to help formulators apply whole grain foods to a broader spectrum of applications. When incorporated in whole grain formulations, these products enable food manufacturers to strengthen the appeal and satisfaction of such innovative products as whole grain cookies, waffles, tortillas, pizza crust and even brownies, as well as traditional whole grain bread, buns and rolls. Strong evidence of nutritional and medical benefits, robust backing from some of the country's leading food manufacturers and new ingredient technologies that make whole grain product formulations appealing will continue to fuel consumer demand for innovative, whole grain foods. MGP Ingredients Inc., Steven Wilson, 913-360-5442,