I often feel like those of us working in today’s cannabis industry have only just caught our first glimpse of an iceberg. It’s simultaneously awe-inspiring and humbling, its rare beauty imbuing us with a palpable excitement. I feel that energy quickly bubble to the surface every time I talk shop with cannabis colleagues. It’s invigorating to participate in such an innovative, brand-new industry.

But as we approach our already-legendary iceberg—this majestic, powerful, natural wonder—closing in for a detailed inspection, awe gives way to utter amazement as we gaze beneath the surface. That tip of the iceberg is only the beginning.

We still have untold mysteries to uncover with cannabis. Those stories will unfold in detail as the years progress, illuminating clear paths toward product development catered to meet a wide range of specific consumer need states.

Once such need state is athletic recovery. We’ve been hearing about various cannabinoid opportunities for athletes for the past couple of years. Most recently, I had the distinct pleasure of digging into how cannabidiol (CBD), partnered with the fermented, gut-healthy benefits of kombucha, can help serious athletes with their workout recovery regimes. The beverages open the door to a new market for infused sports drinks that take a decidedly wholesome, natural—and scientific—approach, including for Olympians and professional athletes. It’s pioneering work, and provides a revealing look at just how much we still have to learn about the wonderful ways cannabinoids mesh with our central nervous system.

Some of the greatest minds of our time are driving the cannabis food and beverage industry forward. Who knows what unexpected connections will surface in the coming months and years? We have much uncharted territory ahead of us, holding wonderful, new worlds of opportunity.