Vegetarian, vegetarian, vegetarian. Is it too late to talk about New Year's resolutions? If not, then I want to register mine now: I'm not going to be a vegetarian any longer! Oh, who am I kidding, of course I am. Though I will eat fish. Tuna fish. From a can. And salmon from a can. And sardines. And deviled ham. And Spam. Sure, why not a little Spam now and again? Potted meat? Yes. Beyond that though, it's all vegetables. Lettuce, tomato and bacon! The best vegetable of them all!

However, if you deem it too late to speak of resolutions, then let's discuss old man winter. He's out there, but he's getting old. He doesn't have the same fight. Now, he just comes out on the porch every so often and barks at nothing in particular. He may lock eyes with a squirrel and feel anger fill his bosom at the creature's audacity to be casually plinking across a hedge top in this the dead of winter. He may fill his lungs and threaten the squirrel with a blustery blow, but he just ends up coughing and hacking until a neighborhood child comes to his aid. "I need no help from children! I'm old man winter!"

"Sorry, sir. You looked like you needed assistance," the street urchin stammers.

And with that, old man winter bursts into tears and whirls around to shake his broken body back through the threshold of his home. 

And here you are, at home! Right here with the research you love so dearly!

This week, articles to help you navigate the rough waters of food development and formulation with vegetarian needs in mind.

Off with you!

Today’s consumer wants the bold flavors that can be found in things like Southwestern and Mediterranean recipes.

The curriculum at the New York campus of The International Culinary Center is a collaborative program with Blue Hill and Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture one of the world's premier educational facilities on sustainable agriculture.

A recent Gallup survey found 5% of the U.S. population label themselves as vegetarian.

A new study from iModerate Research Technologies focuses on healthy eating by investigating consumers’ perceptions about two specific food groups: functional foods that contain natural health benefits such as the antioxidants found in blueberries, and fortified foods such as pastas that are enriched with calcium and vitamins.

Three years ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said food and cosmetic products must declare on their labels that they contain cochineal extract or carmine. The rule went into effect in early 2011.

Find more articles concerning the development and formulation of vegetarian foods and beverages.