Seasonings and flavors supplier Fuchs North America introduces its Ethnic Inspirations II Collection, a new line of 10 distinctive seasonings and rubs.

The new collection follows Fuchs’ original Ethnic Inspirations Collection, which debuted in early 2014. That collection of 10 seasonings and flavor bases proved to be a big hit with food manufacturers. 

The new offerings build on the popularity of those products. Ethnic Inspirations II is a completely new selection of uniquely exciting flavors inspired by regional cuisines that span the globe – from Latin America and North Africa to South Asia and the Far East.

These items also are a starting point for developing unique signature items destined for the retail grocery, deli and/or foodservice channels.

Among the items included in Fuchs’ new Ethnic Inspirations II Collection are the following:

• Babi Panggang Seasoning
• Bahia-Brazilian Churrascaria Rub
• Cambodian Spice Blend
• Copacabana Black Bean Seasoning
• Korma Spice Blend
• Laotian Larb Seasoning
• Moroccan Harissa Rub
• North African Adobo Seasoning
• Nuoc Cham Seasoning
• Panaji Pork Rub

“These new profiles can be used on meats, in fully prepared meats, or in conjunction with what food manufacturers are doing to supply and support foodservice chain operations,” says Ken Wuestenfeld, Fuchs’ vice president of sales. “They can even serve as inspiration for surprising and unexpected new snack offerings. We expect them to be popular options for product design specialists, or anyone else responsible for developing food items that really capture the attention of consumers.”

Howard Cantor is Fuchs North America’s corporate research chef. He says the Ethnic Inspirations II Collection includes innovative inspirations for grilled meats, prepared foods and other dishes that build on complex and intriguing national cuisines from all over the globe.

“As the world becomes a smaller place, America’s taste palette is becoming more adventuresome,” Cantor observes. “And why not? The USA is this marvelous amalgamation of many people and cultures – not to mention Americans traveling and vacationing in all corners of the world. It’s only natural that our tastes in food have become as wide-ranging as well.”

Cantor notes that the items that make up the Ethnic Inspirations II Collection build on traditional elements of national cuisines—but they are unique new creations.

“Consider our Latin American items in the collection. Our Bahia-Brazilian Churrascaria Rub is a spicy, herbaceous concoction that really brings out the flavor of the meat,” says Cantor. “Now that diners have become familiar with the churrascaria restaurants that have opened in this country, they crave those same tastes in prepared food items they can eat at home – not to mention, in their own grilling.”

Cantor adds, “We’re also very excited about our new Copacabana Black Bean Seasoning. It’s oniony, garlicky – and full of the fragrant herbs of the Caribbean. This seasoning really dresses up black beans in a surprisingly new and unconventional way.”

Indian and South Asian cuisine continues to grow in popularity in America, Cantor notes. Fuchs taps into this trend with two new items that offer all sorts of ways to bring the complex flavors of the sub-continent to the table.

“Our Korma Spice Blend and Panaji Pork Rub capture the heady combination of flavors for which this region of the world is so famous,” he says. “They’re the start of creating some truly memorable dishes.”

The Ethnic Inspirations II Collection also includes several items inspired by North African culinary traditions. Moroccan Harissa Rub pares garlic and heavy cumin with the hearty black heat from smoked, roasted chilies for a truly memorable taste experience. North African Adobo Seasoning is another hearty concoction inspired by this part of the globe, made from savory spices and chilies.

Patrick Laughlin, director of marketing, says Ethnic Inspirations II can help food manufacturers create exciting, novel items that build on the world’s diverse culinary traditions – but that are also unique in their own special way.

“It’s a continuing focus on evolving consumer taste preferences – but we also experiment with different flavor combinations,” Laughlin says. “The goal is to help our customers find new taste sensations – new food offerings that are distinctively different, not just ‘more of the same’.”

With each customer, Fuchs North America aims to go from concepts to manufacturing to delivery of an approved flavor as quickly as possible.

“Because we have a wide range of flavor bases at-the-ready, we can provide samples for immediate testing,” Laughlin notes. “Then we customize and refine the flavor to attain just the right taste characteristics the customer is seeking.”

—Fuchs North America,