• Equii Bread with Grain

    Protein Integration in Nutritional Baked Goods

    Traditionally, proteins such as glutenin and gliadin have been favored in baking for their role in dough texture and structure. However, as consumer awareness of health, nutrition, and sustainability has grown, the focus has shifted to incorporating a broader range of protein sources into baking.
  • Plant Based Product Collage

    Plant Based Highlights Across Categories

    Globally, food and drink launches containing microalgae experienced average annual growth of more than 40% during a recent three-year period. Trends in plant-based proteins from the sea—as well as new technologies to produce seafood without the sea—also overlap with our second 2024 trend, “Nurturing Nature.” Indeed, both seafood companies and technology innovators can be ocean guardians.
  • Mushrooms on Board

    Battling Bad Bugs with Botanicals

    While natural and botanical methods of preservation have been in use for centuries, the modern food processing system has relied heavily on synthetic food preservatives, such as nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, sorbates, and others. 

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