April 24/New York/Long Island University -- Researchers in New York have found that oregano helps fight prostate cancer. The ingredient consists of a component called carvacrol, which encourages apoptosis. Apoptosis basically refers to a process that forces cancer cells to "commit suicide."

For discovering this fact, several laboratory tests have been performed on prostate cancer cells at the Long Island University (LIU). When pizza is considered as one of the most fat consisting food choices, in few researches made earlier, it has been also discovered that pizza consists of so much of tomato content that the pigmentation that is done to tomatoes for developing their bright red color, directly helps in reducing the risk of cancer. This pigmentation process is better known as lycopene.

As said by the leader of this study, Dr Supriya Bavadekar, "We know that oregano possesses antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties, but its effects on cancer cells really elevate the spice to the level of a super-spice like turmeric. A significant advantage is that oregano is commonly used in food and has a 'Generally Recognized as Safe' status in the US".

All these results together have helped scientists to claim that oregano tends to play a vital role in maintaining a healthy life style as it results in the reduction of severe toxic effects.

Also, it has been announced in the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego that if this study continues acquiesce more positive results, then very soon, this herb oregano might be represented with a "very promising therapy for patients with prostate cancer."

 From the April 25, 2012, Prepared Foods’ Daily News