Low-Carb Today, Gone Tomorrow?
Not necessarily, says a new report on low-carb diets and today's consumer from The Hartman Group (Bellevue, Wash.). Although a strict low-carb diet may be a short-lived fad, “it is also an indicator of a wider trend regarding the eating habits of Americans.” The study also notes that some 67% of the U.S. population eats a diet low in carbohydrates, but does not necessarily recognize the diet as specifically "low-carb." The eating habits are a reflection of wider trends in eating such as balance and moderation. Some 4% of consumers embrace the "fad" aspects of the low-carb diet while only 1% are long-term adoptees, following the low-carb diet on a permanent basis for reasons such as diabetes. The Hartman Group,www.hartman-group.com,info@hartman-group.comCitrus Twist
An old variety of citrus fruit offers a trendy kick to beverages and food products. The blood orange, with its distinctive crimson fruit pulp and rich flavor, offers some of the richest vitamin C content, along with other important vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, potassium, and anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant. Raspberry and strawberry overtones make the blood orange a delightful new twist on a traditional flavor. Wild Flavors Inc., Donna Hansee, 859-342-3526,dhansee@wildflavors.comStable Soy
A new soluble soy protein isolate is stable even under retort processing conditions. Low in sodium, bland in flavor, and free of typical beany and bitter notes, Protient 6000 remains soluble at high concentrations with low viscosity. Formulators can eliminate masking agents and reduce overall flavor costs while incorporating unprecedented levels of protein. Non-GMO, water-filtered Protient 6000 is ideal for retort processing and delivers extended shelflife and lower carbohydrate levels than soymilk-based products. Protient, 651-638-2600,www.protient.comLink to Flavor
Product developers have an updated source for flavor solutions in a website focused on flavor. Kikkoman International's newly enhanced website offers new product information and reference materials as well as a complete listing of product offerings. Besides their traditional soy sauce line, including liquid, dehydrated and granulated soy sauce offerings, the website showcases Kikkoman's other products, such as freeze-dried miso, sliced dehydrated shiitake mushrooms, and flavor enhancers. Kikkoman's website is an ideal resource for developers looking for new trends or flavor solutions. Kikkoman International Inc., 415-956-7760,www.kikkoman-usa.comFiber and Children's Health
Diarrhea in children accounts for more than 30% of pediatric visits and about 9% of all hospitalizations. A recent study completed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign concluded that the introduction of scFOS™, a fermentable fiber with a prebiotic effect similar to breast milk oligosaccharides, may be an easy and cost effective method of reducing the severity of symptoms in young children. Short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) helped to retain stool consistency during infection and increased the production of short-chain fatty acids essential in maintaining intestinal function. NutraFlora® scFOS is the only FDA-reviewed GRAS short-chain prebiotic fiber for children under the age of one, is 95% pure scFOS, and can be undetectable in food formulations. GTC Nutrition LLC,www.gtcnutrition.comFDA Rules Combat Bioterrorism
The interim final FDA rules under the Bioterrorism Act were published in the October 10th Federal Register. Regulating registration of food facilities and requiring prior notice of imports, these rules will be effective December 12, 2003; however, the FDA is accepting comments for the next 75 days which may result in changes to these interim regulations. Under the prior notice of imports rule, the FDA expects an average exceeding 25,000 notices per day of incoming shipments, and a total of more than 420,000 facility registrations.www.usafoodagents.com/execsum.htm
Good Taste in Sweeteners
A new functional sweetener offers healthy effects with flavor enhancing features. Gaio® tagatose can be used to improve the flavor of diet products and has no glycemic response, making it a contender in the “low-carb” market. Distributed in the U.S. by Arla Foods Ingredients, the product offers “regular” taste to reduced-calorie foods as well as enhances toffee and mint flavors. Unlike other “artificial” sweeteners, Gaio® tagatose browns easily and adds color to various confectionery and bakery applications. Arla Foods Ingredients, Josephine M. O'Brien, 908-964-4420,www.gaio-tagatose.comUltra-low Glycemic Index
Low-GI (Glycemic Index), high-fiber foods are vital to blood sugar and serum insulin levels and weight loss. Low-GI values signify a value of less than 55, based on a glucose having a value of 100. A new 90% soluble fiber from Matsutani America Inc., Fibersol-2™, has been found to have an ultra-low index of less than 5, and is odorless, tasteless and stable in nearly all processing conditions, making it an ideal ingredient for high-fiber foods. Matsutani America Inc., Bob Heard, 217-875-9819,www.matsutaniamerica.comFat and Strokes
A provocative new study involving 44,000 men over a period of 14 years found no relation between consumption of high-fat products and stroke. The study, conducted at Harvard School of Public Health and published in the British Medical Journal, followed healthy men aged 40 to 75 who filled out detailed questionnaires about their eating habits. Researchers found no relationship between stroke risk and consumption of fat. However, even Ka He, the director of the study, is quick to say that there still needs to be further study before making conclusions about the results. Earlier studies reached conflicting conclusions about the link between fat and strokes, and there is still significant evidence linking fat consumption and heart disease.
Best Performance in a Sweet Roll
Xylanase inhibitors naturally present in flour can cause problems with additives used to standardize and improve flour performance. Grindamyl® PowerBake Bakery Enzyme from Danisco is the first uninhibited xylanase on the market. Ensuring consistently high quality and stability, the new enzyme eliminates the quality variations in baked products that have been the bane of baked goods producers. Grindamyl® PowerBake increases volume and crumb structure, improves elasticity in dough and provides a higher tolerance towards processing variations. Danisco, Dana L. Boll, 800-255-6837, ext. 1226,dana.boll@danisco.com,www.danisco.com/enzymes/powerbake