Oils for Better Health
The health profiles of Omega-9 Canola Oil and Omega-9 Sunflower Oil, developed by Dow AgroSciences, allow foodservice operators and food manufacturers to help consumers meet the new “good fats” recommendation of the newly released 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Omega-9 Oils have the lowest saturated fat among zero trans fat oils, claims the company, and are uniquely high (>70%) in monounsaturated (omega-9) fat. According to the guidelines, even a 5% decrease in saturated fat, replaced by monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, results in meaningful reduction in associated cardiovascular risks. Using Omega-9 Oils also will help reduce solid fat intake, which is another recommendation in the Guidelines. Dow AgroSciences LLC, www.dowagro.com,www.Omega9Oils.com