Antioxidants abound in the nutraceutical industry. How does one choose the ingredient that will pack the right antioxidant punch? Although many antioxidants show good in vitro results, or are touted with ORAC values, how do you know that it is going to perform for your consumer and in your product?

The answer comes from a farm and research facility in the far-off land of Brazil. Growing in the arid rural lands of this country is the fava d'anta plant, a leguminous tree of wild fava bean that produces copious amounts of the well-known antioxidant bioflavonoids rutin and quercetin. Merck S.A., Brazil, an affiliate of Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, Germany, has run fava d'anta through complex analyses and scientific processes on their on-farm laboratory to come up with highly bioavailable antioxidants for use in nutraceutical formulations. Along with distributor Seltzer Nutritional Technologies, the company has positioned these antioxidants as being some of the most bioavailable to reach the market.

One of these products is IsoQâ„¢ BioMix, a rutin and isoquercetin mixture. Rutin is a widely encountered bioflavonoid in cereals, vegetables and fruits that is known to improve capillary health by strengthening the capillary walls, decreasing the permeability of blood vessels and supporting the cardiovascular system. The ingredient has anti-thrombotic, vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Additionally, rutin is known to be beneficial for bone health, and may slow bone absorption and increase osteoblastic activity. Isoquercetin is a newer discovery in the bioflavonoid area that combines many health benefits typical of a bioflavonoid with a high bioavailability.

Seltzer also offers the Merck quercetin and rutin separately, for use individually in products. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in inhibiting enzymes involved in free radical production, and metal chelation. Quercetin exhibits a wide range of activities, owing to its reputation as one of the most healthful phytochemicals present in the human diet. The ingredient has many properties, including anti-platelet (antithrombotic), vasodilation, vasculoprotective, hipolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, phytoestrogenic and anti-tumor.

According to Hugh Lippman, PhD, senior product innovation scientist at Seltzer Nutritional Technologies, "These flavonoids have a lot of potential in nutraceutical products because of their bioavailability." NS


For more information:
Seltzer Nutritional Technologies, Carlsbad, Calif.
Hugh Lippman 760-438-0089