Imbibe, a leading product development company and ingredient supplier, kicked off the new year with an engaging presentation on some of the most compelling trends shaping product development. Many foodservice chains, retailers, ingredient suppliers, and flavor houses broadcast annual trends, but Imbibe prides itself on doing things differently and decided not to focus solely on the rest of 2023. Instead, Imbibe is intent on driving conversations about what portfolio management and expansion might look like through at least 2028.

Without giving away too much of the content, here are some of the hottest trends you should be paying attention to if you plan on launching a food, beverage, or supplement in the next five years.

• Sustainability Scorecard – How will manufacturers and brands harness technology, reduce waste, introduce more planet-friendly packaging, and incorporate novel ingredients to deliver more eco-friendly options?

• Sustenance – 25% of women across the globe struggle to produce enough milk to feed their infant children. With 40% of formula products out of stock in May 2022, according to IRI, Imbibe expects more companies to focus on developing products that support healthy lactation.

• Sex – The pandemic shed light on what some people may prefer to do in the dark. Duos sheltering in place coupled with the decreased stigma around talking about sexual health and well-being has inspired some innovation in this arena, though Imbibe predicts it’s just the beginning.