Earth Grains’ Eco-Grain 7-Grain bread takes a unique approach to sustainability by making its bread with 20% Eco-Grain wheat. The sustainably grown wheat is produced by farmers who use satellite imagery to determine fertilizer requirements in any given area of their fields, which allows them to apply precisely the right amount of fertilizer, yielding a higher quality of grain, while helping to preserve the environment. Earth Grains estimates that, for every 1 million loaves produced in this manner, 900 gallons of diesel fuel and 4,501lbs of fertilizer are saved. The bread is 100% whole-grain, all-natural and free from high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The bread is sold in a recyclable bag and also comes in 100% Natural Wheat and 100% Natural Oat flavors.
Information in this column is from the Global New Products Database, the premier source of global product intelligence, published by Mintel International Group; 351 W. Hubbard, 8th Floor; Chicago, IL 60610; call: 312-932-0600; fax: 312-932-0474; or e-mail atillman@mintel.com.pf