Obesity-fighting Seaweed

July 20/Melbourne, Australia/Asian News International (ANI) -- Experts have suggested that adding seaweed extracts to high-fat, high-calorie fast foods can make them healthier and help people lose weight.

The scientists at Newcastle University conducted a trial by adding seaweed fibre to bread. They wanted to see if foods could be developed, which can help people lose weight.

"Initial findings suggest alginate could offer a very real solution in the battle against obesity," the Daily Express quoted Dr Iain Brownlee, who led the team, as saying.

"This suggests that if we can add the natural fiber to products eaten daily -- such as bread, biscuits and yogurts -- up to three-quarters of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body.

"We have already added the alginate to bread, and initial taste tests have been extremely encouraging," Brownlee added.

The Arctic Diet supplement is produced from Norwegian seaweed called Fucus Vesiculosus -- commonly known as bladderwrack.

It is grown above the Arctic Circle and harvested in June when the sun shines for 24 hours.

"Seaweed fibers have come in the forefront as they have been shown in a lab to have some sort of benefit of reducing the digestion rate of fat and carbohydrates," Brownlee added.

After being sure of the anti-obesity benefits of the seaweed, a pill named The Arctic Diet supplement, has been introduced in the market in Britain too.

It is believed that the pill works by reducing the appetite and daily calorific intake.

From the August 2, 2010, Prepared Foods E-dition