December 2011/NutraSolutions -- With the number of aged consumers growing worldwide, products containing ingredients promising eye-health benefits will be sought after. Eye health is an area which receives less manufacturer attention, which results in fewer new product introductions, compared to other areas, such as digestive health. In 2010, global product launches with an eye-health positioning tracked by Innova Market Insights constituted just 2% of products with an active health* positioning, with other aged-related active health positionings, such as bone health (4.8%) and brain health (3.9%), still being small, but more popular, areas of focus. The top ingredients utilized offering eye-health benefits include vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, beta-carotene, lutein, omega-3 and vitamin B9.
* Active health = “food plus” e.g., functional/fortified launches.
-- Lu Ann Williams, Innova Market Insights,, 
eye sight

 For Lasting Vision

ZeaGold® Natural Zeaxanthin from paprika is an all-natural, highly bioavailable 3R, 3’R zeaxanthin for use in dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages. Zeaxanthin is a yellow-orange carotenoid pigment found in fruits and vegetables, such as peppers, corn and oranges. It may be more important than lutein in protecting the ocular tissue from oxidative damage. Zeaxanthin acts as a filter by absorbing blue light that initiates generation of oxyradicals that place photo-oxidative stress on the retina. It also acts as an antioxidant by quenching singlet oxygen and reactive radicals that damage photoreceptor cells. ZeaGold is an excellent source of a broad spectrum of vegetable carotenoids and antioxidant nutrients; it is a GRAS substance that has proven bioavailability. OmniActive Health Technologies, 866-588-3629, 

 The Eyes Have It
Cyvex Nutrition offers several natural ingredients to support vision health, providing relief for eye fatigue and oxidative stress; increased blood flow to the eye; improved visual acuity; and improved ability to adjust from light to darkness. Cyvex provides eight all-natural ingredients that promote healthy vision, improve eye focus, boost visual acuity, provide retinal protection and support, and more. Cyvex Nutrition, 949-622-9030,   NS