Cargill identifies five protein trends to watch in 2024
February 27, 2024
The alternative protein market—which spans everything from plant-based foods to cultivated meat to dairy alternatives—is still relatively young and evolving. At Cargill, we’re bringing our expertise in food and innovation to help expand the future of alternative protein for our customers and consumers.
Cargill is investing in ENOUGH’s most recent (Series C) growth funding campaign and has signed a commercial agreement to use and market its fermented protein.
Although plant-based has become a popular term in the dairy- and meat-free categories, it does not accurately describe all developments in this fast-moving field. There are technologies that generate “animal-free,” bioidentical ingredients such as dairy whey and dairy casein. Even so, “plant-based” continues to grow in use, with indexed average annual growth of +42% between 2017 and 2022.
Marlow mycoprotein will be made available firstly in Europe and then internationally
April 24, 2023
Pioneer of meat free, and home to Quorn, Marlow Foods announced plans to make the super protein in Quorn, mycoprotein, available to other food and beverage manufacturers.