MultOil is based on natural oils enriched with phytosterols and DAG to reduce synergistically the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
It is a combination of 25% phytosterol-ester (PS-E) and 15% diglycerides (DAG). The FDA has recognized them as GRAS and, most importantly, some products containing PS-E can be labeled as reducing the risk for coronary heart disease. MultOil combines health benefits with functionality for a wide range of applications such as oils, spreads, mayonnaise and salad dressings.
All the ingredients in MultOil, the phytosterols and the enzyme are kosher certified and produced from non-GMO ingredients. Enzymotec, Elzaphan Hotam, +972-4-6545112, info@enzymotec.com, www.enzymotec.com