Grape Seed and Smoking
A recent study published in the journal Metabolism indicates that grape seed extract may be an efficient means of preventing cardiovascular problems, particularly in high-risk individuals. The extract studied, Leucoselect[tm] Phytosome[r], produced in a bioavailable form by Indena, protected easily-oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) under oxidation stress by heavy smokers. The double-blind, randomized study involved 24 individuals over the age of 50 who were smokers but otherwise healthy. It was found that treatment with a 150mg dose of Leucoselect Phytosome resulted in a 20% reduction of lipidic peroxidation, a 15% increase in LDL resistance to oxidating stress, and an increase in the overall plasmatic antioxidant capacity, indicating that the product was easily assimilated. Riccardo Chiappani, +39 02 202391,,