May 4/Washington/TopNews -- FDA researchers have carried out a new research which as revealed that many U.S. mothers fed their babies with herbal supplements or tea.

Dr. Yuanting Zhang and colleagues at the U.S. FDA wanted to know how common it was for parents to use the herbal products on their children, and the research was reported to be the first to analyze the broad usage of the herbal products on American infants. They surveyed over 2,600 U.S. mothers.

According to the study, 9% of the infants have been fed with herbal supplements at least once a week; gripe water for colic and chamomile tea were the most commonly used products, while many others products were used for fussiness and digestive problems.

Though side effects were not examined, the authors of the study have stated there could be possible harm in the use of these products, as the use of different types meant some of them may be dangerous to the health.

Experts have recommended that parents should give babies suffering from colic more food and attention, as there are no products known to ease colic, because the dietary supplements have not been proven safe and effective before they go into stores.


From the May 4, 2011, Prepared Foods' Daily News.