Diet Pepsi, without aspartame, will hit U.S. shelves this week. offers users access to Packaged Facts' report, Sugar, Sugar Substitute, and Sweetener Trends in the U.S., 4th Edition. The report examines how consumers' awareness of possible ill effects of sugar affects their consumption habits.
Sales of traditional diet sodas have been falling over the past few years and according to Seth Kaufman, a senior vice president of PepsiCo, the ingredient aspartame is the number one thing Pepsi customers complain about.
Packaged Facts found that people are more motivated to switch to natural sweeteners such as, less refined sugars, honey, coconut sugar, and natural zero calorie sweeteners compared to sugar and artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame.
This trend is going to affect the market of sugar and sweeteners, particularly in beverages. Diet Pepsi is likely to see an increase in soda sales with the marketing of their decision to change their drink formula. The new cans will display the words "Now Aspartame Free" above the Pepsi logo.
To learn more, check out the report: