After sixteen years in the organic tea business, ECOTEAS is launching a line of ready-to-drink iced teas. The energizing beverages feature expertly-brewed organic-certified herbal ingredients with no extracts or concentrates. The entire line is 100% unsweetened.

Health-conscious consumers needing an energy boost can already find ECOTEAS 'clean energy' drinks hitting the shelves at Natural Grocers, Whole Foods Market (Northwest), and Co-ops in the West. Alternatively, consumers can browse and shop ECOTEAS' full product line at its newly re-launched wholesale and retail website,

ECOTEAS is best known in the US for popularizing the energy herb, yerba mate (yair-buh mah-tay), a naturally caffeinated and nutritious tea made from the leaves of a South American holly tree. ECOTEAS has built its core business as a supplier of bulk loose yerba mate. Now the company brews its signature yerba mate and bottles it.