Puratos’ Satin Clean(er) Label Silver Layer Cake Mix won a 2018 innovation award from the American Society of Baking (ASB). Specifically, Puratos ingredient was one of three innovative new products recognized in ASB’s “Health, Wellness and Nutrition” category.

Puratos’ goal is to optimize ingredients so that industrial bakeries can have the cleanest ingredient statements. As such, the company develops an extensive range of cake mixes that fall in line with the clean label trend.

Puratos’ proprietary research into consumer insights, “Taste Tomorrow,” suggests that 80% of consumers are unfamiliar with PGE/PGME’s (aka emulsifiers) and therefore misunderstand the usage of these ingredients. Survey data also show that consumers associate chlorinated flour with the following potential health and environmental issues:

• Inflammation

• Toxicity

• Carcinogens

Some retailers have taken the initiative to eliminate bleached flour and emulsifiers from their acceptable ingredients lists. Knowing that bleached flour has been banned in Europe & China, Puratos anticipates US legislation will soon follow. Accordingly, Puratos already is prepared to offer product solutions.

Interestingly, Puratos knows that this sort of innovation isn’t as simple as removing a few ingredients. And that’s especially true for layer cakes where each ingredient serves a purpose—and any removal proves a difficult feat. The functionality of ingredients such as chlorinated flour and emulsifiers are needed to ensure great quality in layer cakes. 

For example, chlorinated flour provides the white, fine and resilient crumb texture often preferred in layer cakes. Without either bleached flour or emulsifiers, the resulting cake is yellow in color with an open crumb and has a tendency to collapse.

Nonetheless, Puratos’ patent pending technology and R&D know-how have ensured consistent cake quality with superb performance.

Don’t believe us? Ask the winning slice, which was sampled to Lin Carson, CEO & Founder of BAKERpedia, who had this to say:

“Our users on BAKERpedia have been asking me for a sleek, clean solution for their high ratio cakes. Particularly, the removal of chlorinated flour [and] emulsifiers….When Puratos approached me with this product, I was doubtful. To my surprise, this product held up well with very little crumbliness….The volume was better than the control, and the distribution of cells were homogenous. Puratos had the answer to replacing chlorinated flour and PGME –Finally! I have not seen a product that has performed so well without chlorinated flour, SALP and PGME in this market.”

Interested in learning more about Puratos Clean(er) Label Layer Cake Mixes? Contact the company at infous@puratos.com or visit www.puratos.us.

About Puratos

Puratos is an international group, which offers a full range of innovative products and application expertise for artisans, industry, retailers and food service customers in the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors. Our headquarters are located on the outskirts of Brussels (Belgium), where the company was founded in 1919. Today, our products and services are available in over 100 countries around the world. In many cases, they are produced locally by our subsidiaries. Above all, we aim to be ‘reliable partners in innovation’ across the globe to help our customers deliver nutritious, tasty food to their local communities. 

In the US, Puratos is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J., and has six regions, five production plants and seven innovation centers.

For further information, visit www.puratos.us.

Editor’s Note:

The ASB Innovation Awards program celebrates industry leaders and companies in the grain based food industry for their innovative development and implementation of leading edge products, equipment design and advancements in ingredient technology.