Atlast Food Co., creator of whole-cut meat alternatives from gourmet mushroom mycelium, announced an official company name change to MyForest Foods Co. Following its 2020 launch into the alt-meat market, the company's transformative new name aligns beautifully with its mission to support a well-fed future through the creation of mycelium-based foods. The forest—mycelium’s natural environment—serves as a reminder of the origin of this ancient-yet-revolutionary ingredient, inspiring all brand material applications moving forward, from the front-and-center name to the small, subtle details.

MyForest Foods will continue to use mycelium—the vegetative root structure of mushrooms—to grow and harvest complete proteins that mimic traditional meat cuts in both texture and flavor. The brand will continue to produce MyBacon (R) Strips, the company’s flagship product and the world’s first whole-cut, plant-based bacon, with additional products in the works.

This unique, whole-cut approach to plant-based food is enabled by the use of a proprietary AirMycelium™ cultivation method, developed by MyForest Foods’ parent company, Ecovative. This method offers control over mycelium’s shape and density as it grows, fine-tuning the same environmental factors present in its natural forest habitat.