July 8/Khorasan, Iran/Technology Business Journal -- According to a study from Iran, "The effect of two novel hydrocolloids known as Balangu seed gum (BSG) and palmate-tuber salep (PTS) with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) on the rheological characteristics of a typical soft ice cream was studied. The power law model well described the flow behavior of mixes with a high correlation coefficient (r)."
"The flow behavior index was in the range of 0.450-1.154, while the consistency coefficient varied from 0.051 to 6.822 Pa s(n). All mixes showed a pseudoplastic behavior except the mix containing 0.3% PTS, which was found to have a slightly dilatant characteristic. An increase in the concentration was accompanied by an increase in the pseudoplasticity and consistency coefficient. The effect of selected gums on some sensory properties of a soft ice cream such as viscosity, coldness, firmness, degree of smoothness (coarseness), liquefying rate, body and texture and total acceptance has also been investigated in this work. The correlation between the apparent viscosity and sensory attributes has been determined because of the importance of viscosity in the quality evaluation of an ice cream," wrote M. Bahramparvar and colleagues, Ferdowsi University.
The researchers concluded, "Taking into account the commercial ice cream properties, a 0.4% BSG gum concentration may be recommended."
Bahramparvar and colleagues published the results of their research in Food Science and Technology International ("Rheological Characterization and Sensory Evaluation of a Typical Soft Ice Cream Made with Selected Food Hydrocolloids." Food Science and Technology International, 2010;16(1):79-88).
For additional information, contact S.M.A. Razavi, Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Dept. of Food Science & Technology, POB 91775-1163, Khorasan, Iran.
From the July 19, 2010, Prepared Foods E-dition