Balance Bar Dark in-body

November 19/Valhalla, N.Y. -- Balance Bar Company announced its new Balance Bar Dark line. Available in three flavors all featuring dark chocolate coating -- Dark Chocolate Crunch, Dark Chocolate Coconut and Dark Chocolate Peanut -- this is the first nutrition bar line on the market to bear the well-respected Rainforest Alliance Certified seal.  Select retailers will begin featuring the bars in December and they will be released nationally in early 2013.

"High quality nutrition that tastes great is a standard for Balance Bar and we are very excited to marry those core principles with improved ingredient sourcing," said Peter Wilson, president and CEO of Balance Bar Company. "Rainforest Alliance certification assures consumers that our cocoa beans are grown on sustainably managed farms that protect people and their surrounding ecosystems of water, soil and wildlife."

"When a company like Balance Bar commits to sourcing cocoa from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms it benefits the environment, workers, their families and communities," explained Tensie Whelan, president of the Rainforest Alliance. "The green frog seal is an easy way for consumers to identify products that have been grown and harvested using sustainable and responsible practices."

The new Balance Bar Dark bars are high in protein, certified gluten free, an excellent source of antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, E), certified kosher dairy and contain 4g of fiber per serving. As with all Balance Bar products, the new Dark line follows the 40-30-30 nutrition principle -- a proven formula developed by scientists to help stabilize blood sugar levels that represents the caloric ratio the body needs to enjoy lasting balanced energy and satisfy hunger for longer; 40% of total calories from carbs, 30% from quality protein and 30% from dietary fat.

"The new Dark line is a perfect blend of what consumers are telling us they want; a delicious small meal-replacement or healthy energy snack bar made in a way that they can feel good about on every level," continued Balance Bar's Wilson.