Rodelle, Inc. introduced its newest premium vanilla extract, Rodelle Reserve French Oak Aged Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract. With a suggested retail price of $50 for a 6.75-ounce bottle, Rodelle Reserve elevates the company's already highly-regarded line of superior baking essentials. This high-end gourmet vanilla extract is for savvy consumers; Rodelle Reserve is an exciting announcement for the company.

Eighty years in the making, Rodelle Reserve is a complex and carefully crafted vanilla extract. Founded in 1936, Rodelle has created high-quality vanilla products for both professional and home baking applications. Rodelle Reserve celebrates the traditional aspects of vanilla manufacturing while using advanced extraction techniques to provide a luxury experience. Rodelle's team carefully crafted small batches of two-fold, pure vanilla extract with premium quality gourmet vanilla beans handpicked from Madagascar. Then, the vanilla was aged for months in French Oak barrels to enhance the natural flavors and aromas inherent in vanilla extract. Dr. Krishna Bala, co-founder of Rodelle, explains: "Aging vanilla in oak barrels softens the harsher elements of the alcohol that all [vanilla] extracts must contain, while smoothing out complex vanilla flavors and increasing the intensity by generating more flavor molecules." The flavors found in Rodelle Reserve are unlike any other vanilla extract.

Rodelle Reserve offers a small-batch, aged vanilla experience that was previously unavailable to consumers. The flavors and quality found in Rodelle Reserve will enhance any baking occasion from an everyday experience to a memory that your family will cherish forever. Rodelle Reserve brings the quality standard of professional bakers into the home to make bakers' dreams come true. "Rodelle has pioneered vanilla traditions and processes since 1936," says Joe Basta, co-founder of Rodelle, Inc. "Rodelle Reserve is the best vanilla extract available with the purest of ingredients and a vintage feel that honors the heritage of the world's favorite flavor," he says. "Rodelle is excited to launch this innovative, luxury vanilla extract," Basta concludes.