Euromonitor recently released a list of top 10 consumer trends for 2016.

According to the report, ‘Top 10 Global Consumer Trends for 2016’, agnostic shoppers are the epitome of today’s contradictory shopper. Emboldened by a post recessionary, hyper-informed, savvy shopping zeal and with multiple opportunities to compare prices at their disposal, they are less bothered about labels and recognized products.

“Agnostic consumers flit between shops and products in search for value and novelty, presenting a challenge for brands who want to connect with them or inspire their loyalty,” states author, Euromonitor International’s Consumer Trends Editor, Daphne Kasriel-Alexander. “These consumers are torn between wanting to be thrifty while enjoying spending on products that inspire them.”

According to the report, there is growing acceptance of gender fluidity. High profile transgender individuals are leading a more general social rejection of prescribed gender roles, challenging typical gender tags, clothing, toys and labels.

“For many consumers, the quietly confident smile of Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce, on the June cover of Vanity Fair signaled the ‘coming out’ of an acceptance of gender fluidity,” continues Kasriel-Alexander. “In some respects, gender fluidity in terms of consumption is already here, alongside the more obvious tech devices and androgynous fashion, there is a shift in the classification of some toys to blur gender lines and the way they are displayed by more retailers, although campaigners, including many parents, are pressing for more.”

Highlighted trends include:

· Buying Time
· Challenging aging
· Change-makers
· Greener food
· Mental wellbeing
· Over-connected consumers
· Shopping for control
· Spending singles

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