Marshfield Food Safety continues to change the face of the food testing industry. On Tuesday, May 17 the company saw the second annual Food Safety Science Conference in Marshfield, WI. The company continues to bring big science to their small town, giving customers and community access to the latest topics in food science and food safety.
The Food Science Conference provided detailed insights to the latest advances within the Marshfield lab, as well as testing strategies presented by Cornell Institute for Food Systems (CIFS). If followed, these strategies will locate and enable you to eliminate your “pet” listeria. CIFS also gave behind the scenes insight regarding the 2015 revision to the nutrition dietary guidelines, with detailed discussion about beneficial fatty acids such as omega-3 and pentadecanoic acid.
Local manufactures learned about Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance directly from the source – the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) at Illinois Tech. Plus a glimpse at raw data related to current research at IFSH that is investigating oxidative rancidity in some surprising places.