New Flaxseed Sampler

Pizzey's Milling offers a flaxseed sampler pack that includes Pizzey's SelectGrad[tm] Ultrafine Milled Flaxseed, SelectGrad[tm] Whole Milled Regular Grind Flaxseed, BevGrad[tm] Whole Milled Flaxseed, FortiGrad[tm] and NutriGrad[tm]. Formulators unsure of which grade to use can work with the products, and the pack includes advice about the best uses of each product and product information. The site offers flaxseed information, product specifications and formulations. The flaxseed undergoes rigorous testing and selection before being processed to the individual specifications of each customer. Call or e-mail to request the sample pack. Pizzey's Milling, Linda Pizzey, 877-804-6444,

Special Savory Flavor Profiles

Specializing in food taste enhancements, McClancy Seasoning, a fully integrated food development company, creates flavor profiles specifically for savory food products such as meat seasonings and marinades, gravies, snack foods, dressing blends, bases, soup blends and sauces, just to name a few. So when your mouth waters because of the aroma of a roasting turkey, or when you bite into a sharp and spicy cheddar cheese nacho, think of McClancy. Visit McClancy Seasoning Co., Reid Wilkerson, 800-843-1968

Canadian Approval of Erythritol

Cargill's Eridex[tm] erythritol, a no-calorie (0.2Kcal/g), natural bulk sweetener has been approved for sale in Canada. Health Canada established food use levels for erythritol in low- or reduced-calorie beverages, dietetic cookies, soft candies (including chocolate), hard candies, chewing gum and as a tabletop sweetener. The sweetener is non-cariogenic, and Cargill is working to expand the Canadian list of foods it may be used in. Additionally, erythritol has been approved for food uses in over a dozen countries, including Japan, Australia, the U.S. and Mexico. Cargill Food & Pharma Specialties, 877-650-7080,

Iron's Magnetic Appeal for Women's Health

One of the potential downsides of iron fortification in foods and beverages is the development of organoleptic changes, as seen with ferrous sulfate. Taiyo's SunActive Fe is a micronized, super-dispersible iron without iron flavor or color-changing potential. It exhibits superior stability against heat, salt, pH and oxidation, is gentle on the stomach, does not promote constipation, and provides good absorption and bioavailability. SunActive[r] is self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) as a nutrient supplement/fortificant in foods. Clinical studies have shown iron supplementation of women with non-anemic iron insufficiency produces substantial improvements in fatigue, mood and cognitive function. Taiyo International, Scott Smith, 763-398-3003,,

Asian Seasoning Blends

Looking for a full range of Asian seasoning blends and flavor systems for contemporary to authentic cuisines? SpiceTec's offerings include everything from Chinese blends featuring innovative combinations of spices and herbs to aromatic herbal notes and complex blends of Thai food to simple, fresh and savory Japanese flavors. Also, Indonesian, Indian and Vietnamese flavoring systems are available. SpiceTec is a leading supplier of seasoning blends and savory flavor systems—with expertise in creating specially engineered flavor systems specific for your cuisine. ConAgra Food Ingredients, customer service dept., 800-872-9236

Savor the Flavor of “Koji-aji”

“Koji-aji” is a unique savory seasoning which enhances “kokumi”—the Japanese word used to express initial flavor impact, continuity and roundness. “Kokumi” is a taste component which lies beyond the five basic tastes of sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. Koji-aji adds the taste experience we enjoy in an expertly prepared soup or stew, after all of the flavors have had a chance to properly marry. Applications include: fermented foods (cheese, soy sauce, miso), milk, meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables, oil, spices and herbs, etc. Ajinomoto Food Ingredients LLC, Brendan Naulty, 773-714-1436,

New Dietary Guidelines

The USDA food guide pyramid will be revised for the first time since its development in 1992. The dietary guidelines--issued by the Agriculture and Health and Human Services departments--place more emphasis on calories and exercise. It is based on a 13-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report, which identifies 41 key recommendations, of which 23 are for the general public and 18 for special populations. Consumers are advised to choose fats and carbohydrates wisely (including restricting trans fatty acids), to eat at least three 1oz. servings of whole grains (instead of refined ones) and five to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, depending on age and activity level. Salt intake should be limited to the equivalent of one teaspoon per day and alcohol to one drink for women and two for men each day. (

Improving Calcium Intake and Retention

A study conducted by the School of Human Ecology at Louisiana State University evaluated the effects of GTC Nutrition's CalciLife[tm] prebiotic mineral formulation on mineral absorption and retention, bone mineral content and bone mineral density in an animal population. Results of the 12-week study revealed laboratory rats fed CalciLife as part of a standardized diet showed a statistically significantly higher level of calcium absorption and retention as compared to a control group. Furthermore, the animals fed CalciLife had a statistically significant higher level of vertebral bone mineral density as compared to the control group. GTC Nutrition, a business unit of Corn Products International Inc., Trina O'Brien, 303-216-2489, ext. 27,