TheR&D Conferenceis a two-day event, September 19 & 20, 2005 in Oak Brook, Il. at the Oak Brook Marriott Hotel. Each day will feature 8 separate tracks. Each track will be devoted to a specific topic of up to seven (7) seminar presentations.Monday's 8 tracks will cover:
- Beverages
- Baked Goods
- Meats
- Dairy Products
- Snacks, Cereals
- Dressings/Sauces/Marinades
- Confections
Each of Monday's 8 tracks will include up to seven (7) seminar presentations. Presentations will be generic and oriented toward the solution to a specific application challenge. Examples:
- Hydrocolloids gum use in beverages
- Leaving systems for microwavable products
- Flavoring systems for high protein foods
- Sweetener systems for low glycemic foods
- Dietary fiber for baked goods.
- Polyols for Low Carb foods.
Tuesday's 8 tracks will cover:
- Water Control
- Low Carb/Low Glysemic
- Low Fat/Low Trans Fat
- Marketing
- Flavors
- Encapsulation
- Nutrients/Fortification Sweeteners
- Fiber
- Food Safety/Shelf Life
Each of Tuesday's 8 tracks will also include up to seven (7) seminar presentations. Presentations will be generic and oriented toward better understanding the application & functionality of these ingredients. Examples:
- Flavor usage in high protein foods
- Flavor usage in high acid foods
- Flavor profiles in ethnic foods
- Flavor allergen labeling issues