Fatty Foods and Allergies

March 6/Edinburgh, Scotland/Evening News -- Researchers have found that fatty foods may help reduce allergic symptoms.

The Edinburgh University study has discovered that dietary saturated fat may weaken the body's responses to allergens.

However, while a high-fat diet may lessen the severity of allergic reactions, it may also compromise the body's immune system.

The study, published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy, looked at the impact of a high-fat diet on non-obese mice.

Annick de Vries, a leader of the study, said, "If people eat a high-fat diet prior to becoming obese, it may well be that they have fewer allergy symptoms, but this could also be indicative of an immune system that is not working properly; and more research is needed.

"The research looked at the impact of fat in the diet as opposed to the effects of obesity.

"We certainly would not advocate eating a high-fat diet because of its link to obesity implications and numerous health implications such as increased risk of heart disease and diabetes."  

From the March 16, 2009, Prepared Foods E-dition