July 17/Los Angeles -- Pharmacist-developed, Thrive Frozen Nutrition has as much protein as an egg, as much calcium as a cup of milk, and as much potassium as a banana. Each cup is packed with 250 calories, 9g protein (18% dv), 3g fiber (12% dv), 520mg potassium (15% dv), four live strains of beneficial probiotics, and 24 vitamins & minerals. Thrive has all the nutrition of Ensure but with added probiotics, which are essential for a healthy gut and immune system, and the delicious taste and appeal of ice cream.

Many people, including children, adolescents, teenagers, adults, and seniors, do not get the right amounts of daily nutritional values which their bodies need. Thrive claims to solve the taste issues that come with standard liquid nutrition boosters: heavy metallic taste & textures, tongue coating, burping, aftertaste, swallowing & flavor fatigue issues.

Thrive Frozen Nutrition has been developed to provide consumers from kids to seniors with the right amount of nutrition in a convenient, portion-controlled product.

After years of research and development, Thrive is now available in four flavors: homemade vanilla, milk chocolate, chocolate fudge, and strawberry.