Wellmune WGP in EU Food Study
May 2012/NutraSolutions -- Biothera announced the European Union will invest 6 million Euros in an international research project to evaluate the immune health effects of Biothera’s Wellmune WGP and several other functional food ingredients. The FibeBiotics project is a consortium of four European universities, five research institutions and several private companies that will study the effect of food fibers on the human immune system. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, The Netherlands, is coordinating the four-and-half-year project. Wellmune WGP is a gluco polysaccharide clinically proven to safely prime key immune cells that help keep the body healthy. Derived from a proprietary strain of yeast, Wellmune WGP mobilizes neutrophils, which are the largest population of immune cells in the body and part of the body’s first line of defense. – Biothera,www.wellmune.comNS