cups of beans
Beans have many health benefits -- including being gluten-free, non-GMO, and full of fiber and vitamins -- but, they remain a very underutilized food in the American diet. 
According to the CDC, obesity has more than doubled in children, and tripled in adolescents, during the past 30 years. Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and also are more likely to have pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes. These health statistics show significant value in food formulations that focus on providing customers with healthier food choices that still taste good. 
Beans represent an excellent opportunity for food manufacturers to boost the nutrient content of a wide variety of food applications, without altering taste or texture of the product. Beans, such as those included in Archer Daniels Midland Co.’s (ADM) VegeFull line of cooked bean products, can be easily incorporated into savory or sweet applications, from snack foods and tortillas to cereals and cookies.
Beans are gluten-free, non-GMO and full of a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, yet most Americans consume only around half the recommended amount of 25-25g per day. The soluble fiber found in plant foods such as beans has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering total and LDL blood cholesterol levels. While cholesterol-free and low in both saturated and total fat, beans are among the best source of plant protein available. One half cup provides approximately 8g of protein -- about the same amount found in a cup of milk -- while only adding between 100-130 calories. This combination of protein and fiber results in beans having a low glycemic index, which may play a role in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Also, the combination of protein and fiber may have an impact on satiety.
Yet, with all these health benefits, beans are among the most underutilized foods in the American diet. The average American consumes less than one cup per week -- about one third of the USDA recommendation. Food manufacturers and formulation specialists can readily fill this gap by incorporating VegeFull Cooked Ground Beans into familiar and new foods. Aside from the numerous potential health benefits, adding beans to products also offers manufacturers the opportunity to include the appealing “serving of vegetables” claim to packaging.
VegeFull bean products come fully cooked and can easily be applied to foods already in U.S. consumers’ daily diets. Several bean varieties and forms are available to help manufacturers achieve varying flavors, textures and colors. VegeFull bean products have a mild flavor that will not compete with other flavors, making reformulation quick and efficient. They are able to fit seamlessly into everyday products consumers already enjoy. 
For more information:
Gordon Gregory • ADM Edible Beans
Decatur, Ill. • 800-637-5843    
217-451-2849 •