Hilmar Ingredients used SupplySide West to showcase whey protein in several on-trend food and beverage applications, including a Cappuccino Flavored Nutrition Bar with a 40:30:30 formulation. It means 40% of calories come from the carbohydrate, 30% from fat and 30% from protein.
Known as a “balanced diet,” this ratio is used in popular eating plans to help consumers lose weight, burn fat, control hunger and boost energy. This formulation uses whey proteins with proven success in texture improvements—as demonstrated in trial production and extrusion as well as real-time shelf-life studies. A pliable, protein-packed bar, it offer superior quality protein and contributes to satiety and extended energy levels.
Ideally suited to providing sensible nutrition in convenient foods, whey proteins are complete proteins and provide the essential amino acids in an optimum blend for human consumption. They have a PER of 3.2, “perfect” PDCAAS of 1.00 and have a low glycemic load at 2 per 100 grams for concentrates and <1 for whey protein isolates.
Hilmar™ 8200 Whey Protein Concentrate is an 80% WPC ideal for fortifying confectionery and bakery products. When used in dough, Hilmar™ 8200 can improve texture by reducing stickiness and—when used in coatings, it enhances efficiency in depositing and enrobing.
Hilmar™ 8370 Whey Protein Hydrolysate is an 80% WPH containing pre-digested proteins, short peptides and amino acids. Providing critical functionality in bar applications, Hilmar™ 8370 has the ability to modify the texture of nutrition bars. It makes them softer and more pliable. It can be used alone or as a partial replacement for casein, caseinates, hydrolyzed gelatin and soy protein isolate.
Hilmar™ 9000 Whey Protein Isolate is a highly functional WPI with acid and heat stability and a clean flavor. Being greater than 90% protein Hilmar™ 9000 also contributes maximum protein with almost no fat or carbohydrate.
— Hilmar Ingredients, www.hilmaringredients.com