Josh Resnik
The Wedge Community Co-Op

Minneapolis’ Twin Cities Co-Op Partners is one of the nation’s largest and most successful retail co-ops with two high-volume grocery stores and a warehouse all specializing in natural, organic and local products. However, many Twin Cities consumers may not even realize that Twin Cities Co-Op is more widely regarded for its work with small and emerging food and beverage brands.

Leading that vision has been Twin Cities Co-Op CEO Josh Resnik, who previously led a small start-up (Wild Idea Buffalo) and also had more than 13 years of senior marketing experience for some of General Mills’ largest brands and businesses. Now Resnik leverages that passion for food and beverage innovation to help both manufacturer-suppliers and Twin Cities Co-Op partner members.

Come listen as he shares insights product development and packaging insights (and more) … from both sides of the buying table.

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