Annual eGrocery sales climbed 9.1% compared to 2023, driven by aggressive promotions on subscription and membership programs, which became widespread mid-year. These discounts, ranging from 33% to 80%, resonated with budget-conscious shoppers seeking savings and contributed to increased engagement and retention rates among digital grocery customers.
Fair also expanded competition categories to include infused products.
June 18, 2024
The California State Fair is integrating onsite cannabis sales and consumption, representing the first time cannabis will be legally sold at a state fair.
The increasing importance of technology in retail is reflected in most of current and upcoming trends
February 25, 2016
The retail environment is constantly changing with every new style, product and season. While change is often retailer and consumer-driven, technology is shaping eight of the top 10 trends expected to have the greatest impact on retail sales in 2016 according to a market brief released by Synchrony Financial.
Shifts are in line with broader national trends surrounding channel blurring and its impact on trip missions
June 22, 2015
VideoMining Corp. announced the results of two major national studies that found shoppers spending less time in supermarkets and more time in convenience stores.
Online grocery shopping is currently one of the smallest segments for food and beverage sales, but this rapidly changing business is poised for tremendous growth over the next several years.
For the first time, The Harris Poll surveyed consumers about leading regional grocery retailers.
July 21, 2014
The 2014 Harris Poll EquiTrend® (EQ) study, which measures brand equity for more than 1,500 brands across 170 categories, finds traditional grocery store brands rank highest overall in three of the four regions surveyed.