September 29/Glam, Wales/Drug Week -- "Research has shown that regular breakfast cereal consumption is associated with better well-being (subjective reports of health and functioning). There is also evidence that a high-fiber diet is associated with increased well-being," scientists in Wales report.
"The present study involved a secondary analysis of baseline data from Smith et al. (2001). Initial analyses examined associations between high fiber intake and well-being (emotional distress, fatigue, cognitive difficulties and somatic symptoms). The results showed that high fiber intake was associated with increased well-being. Subsequent analyses examined whether the effects of total fiber intake could be accounted for by ingestion of specific sources of fiber, namely breakfast cereal and fruit/vegetables. The results showed that it was the breakfast cereal that was largely responsible for the increased well-being. Digestive problems are also associated with reduced well-being and a second set of analyses examined whether the benefits of fiber were due to a reduction in digestive problems," wrote A.P. Smith and colleagues, Cardiff University.
The researchers concluded, "The results showed that digestive problems reduced well-being, but these effects were independent of the effects of fiber."
Smith and colleagues published their study in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research ("Breakfast Cereal, Fiber, Digestive Problems and Well-being." Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2010;8(2-3):117-125).
For more information, contact A.P. Smith, Cardiff University, Center Occupational & Health Psychology, School Psychology, POB 901, Cardiff CF11 3YG, S Glam, Wales.
From the October 18, 2010, Prepared Foods E-dition