April 10/Auckland, New Zealand/Top News -- A recent study has claimed that there could be some signs identified among kids as young as 12 of heart disease in case they indulge in sugary drinks.

Researchers from the Westmead Millennium Institute have looked at the link between carbohydrates, which includes sugars, and they have found that those who have narrow blood vessels inside their eyes are more likely to have cardiovascular disease.

For the research, retinal images of as many as 2000 children of the age of 12 were taken at the Centre for Vision Research at Sydney University, and it was found that there was significant narrowing of retinal arteries in those children whose intake of carbohydrates in a single day is more than 274g.

The study which is published in this month's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claimed that soft drinks are one of the most prominent source of carbohydrates.

''We need to carry out further studies, but it is definitely a warning to parents and children to cut down on carbohydrates and sugar,” said study leader Bamini Gopinath.

 From the April 10, 2012, Prepared Foods’ Daily News