When it comes to what kinds of foodstuffs end up in their carts, coupons prompted the "Womensforum.com Supermarket Moms Survey" respondents to make more new product purchases down the snack food aisle (73%) than elsewhere in the store. However, the study shows coupons still hold a great deal of sway beyond newfangled potato chips and pretzels, heavily inspiring moms to buy new products in other categories as well, including:
- Frozen food (72%)
- Cereal (62%)
- Beverages (57%)
- Dairy (55%)
- Breads/bakery (42%)
This balance shifts slightly depending upon the age of the mom in question, with those over 50 more inclined to purchase a new frozen food item rather than a new snack food.
Pointing to parity between digital and print discovery among supermarket-shopping moms, nearly half of those surveyed (46%) said they learned about these new grocery products though online advertising -- the same number that said they where exposed to new food and drink products through traditional newspaper advertising.
Hometown supermarket circulars and word-of-mouth (65% vs. 51%) are also deemed powerful tools for learning about the latest products to hit the shelves. Further indicating the impact of the latter, 33% said they heard about new food and beverage items through their social media circles.
Print media and supermarket circulars take the lead when it comes to finding coupons (78% vs. 65%), but more than half of those surveyed (55%) say they often get coupons online, with nearly four in 10 also uncovering them on food or frugal-living blogs that share cost-saving finds.