Gums and starches, keeping it together since 1871. I saw that on a billboard recently. Why 1871? I'll have to leave that to you expert readers out there. What happened in 1871 to spark the unfolding of gum and starch history as we know it? I cannot attempt an answer.
However, I will attempt to clue you in to a few insightful articles and at least one video about your peers' use of gums and starches in development and formulation. Some of you have gone above and beyond and then a little further. You must be commended! A trophy! A danish! Something to let you know your efforts are the appreciation of the masses.
Extol, extol. It must seem an empty practice. But I assure it is not. You out there! You make it happier! Now, all I can do to repay you is offer a touch of inspiration from around the industry. Keep us in mind as you trudge forth!
Your weekly reduction!
Articles about gums and starches in food product development and formulation.
Tara gum has a structure and functionality somewhere between that of guar and locust bean gums.
Reduced-fat ice cream with a higher level of overrun may use a blended stabilizer system (for example, with propylene glycol esters, calcium sulfate, cellulose gum, guar gum, maltodextrin, modified food starch and carrageenan) to enhance texture.
Soluble fibers, are, in the traditional sense, gums.
Muffins, focaccia bread and chicken curry could be made with HI-MAIZE resistant starch.
Uniqueness of Modified Wheat Starch: Improved Flavor and Salt Perception, and Fiber Enhancement
Find more articles about gums and starches in food product development and formulation.
Gums and Starches in Product Development
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