Manufacturers may use Emulzym™ GBR 50 as an alternative to potassium bromate in bread-making. It strengthens the gluten and improves dough development, gas retention, volume, cutting aspects and crust texture. In addition, it increases the tolerance and machinability of the dough. Degussa Texturant Systems, Keith Garstin, 800-241-9485,
A good industry resource, the USA Rice Federation is the rice industry trade association that represents U.S. rice growers and millers. The Federation offers a comprehensive rice products information kit that includes facts on the types and forms of rice with their functional, nutritional, textural and flavor characteristics, along with a convenient source list of suppliers of American-grown rice and rice products. USA Rice Federation, Heidi Wilkinson, 800-888-RICE,,
These ingredients provide “invisible” fiber enrichment to cereals, yogurts, beverages, nutrition and sports bars, and other prepared foods. The nutritional benefits of all-natural Raftilose (oligofructose) and Raftiline (inulin) include improved digestive and heart health, by reducing serum triglycerides. Raftilose Synergy 1, a patented form of enriched inulin, is designed to boost calcium adsorption. Orafti Active Food Ingredients, Barry Schwartz, 610-889-9828
It doesn't take much flaxseed to significantly improve a food product's nutritional claims. Just 2.8% of Pizzey's BevGrad™ flaxseed added to “Tropical Fruit & Flax” beverage contributed 1.5g of omega-3 fatty acids, 1.3g of dietary fiber and 70mg of lignan phytoestrogens to a single 8-oz. serving. In puffed breakfast cereals, just 5.0% of Pizzey's FortiGrad™ flaxseed bran contributes 150mg of lignans and 1.3g of fiber. Pizzey's guarantees a minimum one-year ambient shelf stability for all its specialty flaxseed ingredients. Pizzey's Milling, Daniel Best, 847-714-9527,
Depending on the application—beverages, dairy products, cereal bars, meal substitutes and more—Fibregum (acacia gum) adds fibers while also offering technological properties. The gum is a bi-functional soluble dietary fiber (90% on dry extract through AOAC). Studies in humans have proven its prebiotic effect, and new studies demonstrate other health effects. Fibregum is well tolerated, up to 50g per day. It has good resistance in an acidic medium, a weak heating capacity and is not cariogenic. Colloïdes Naturels Inc., 908-707-9400,,
Custom dietary fibers are available from the company that claims to be the world's largest fiber manufacturer. J. Rettenmaier's scientists take the best nature has to offer and create custom fibers that contribute functional and nutritional benefits to a variety of foods, including bread, cheese, pasta, cereal and pet food. Products include: VITACEL® Powdered Cellulose, Wheat, Tomato, Oat, Bamboo, Apple and Orange Fiber, and VIVAPUR® Microcrystalline Cellulose. J. Rettenmaier USA L.P., 877-895-4099,
Your challenge: to look for a new product, a unique concept that is budget-friendly and has a good chance of market success. Our Solution: SoyLife FOCUS, the natural and organic soy germ ingredient that tastes great. Just like wheat germ, soy germ is naturally rich in nutrients that are healthy for everybody, such as vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and almost 40 other components. Only one gram per serving is sufficient; you do not have to compromise on texture, taste and budget. Acatris Inc., Walter Wilms, 952-920-7700,,,
A natural dietary fiber derived from soybeans, FI-1 Soy Fibre® is a fine, free-flowing, pure white powder. The product has no off-flavors or odors, reduces caloric density, helps retain and control moisture, and provides texture. The product provides nutritional and functional benefits to a variety of food products including baked goods, pastas, health bars, and meat substitutes. The Fibred Group, Dennis Drake, 800-598-8894,,
Potatoes are a versatile food. Paselli™ FP and FPF potato fiber products possess significant water-binding and fat-binding capabilities that pare away at texture and stability issues. The fibers withstand shear, freeze/thaw conditions and pH as low as 4.0. They improve the texture of vegetarian meat analogs, increase the moisture in baked goods and increase the fiber content on nutritional panels. They are kosher and GMO-free. AVEBE America Inc., 609-520-1400,
A full range of crisp rice and extruded grain products come in an assortment of shapes, sizes and colors for use in energy bars, RTE breakfast cereals, confectionary bars, snacks and trail mixes. Through advanced extrusion technology, PGP International can customize extruded particulates to meet customer requirements. The company's soy protein crisp rice particulates feature DuPont Protein Technologies' SOLAE™ and SUPRO® branded isolated soy proteins. PGP International, Cary Maigret, 800-333-0110, ext. 102,,
A specialty carbohydrate that is 90% fiber, Litesse® polydextrose is sugar-free, reduced in calories and low glycemic (for low carb consumers). Partially metabolized and fermented slowly in the colon, Litesse is a prebiotic and stimulates the growth of Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria; it also helps improve digestive health by maintaining a balanced gut microflora. Economical, neutral-tasting and highly soluble with low viscosity, Litesse polydextrose adds a significant source of fiber to beverages, nutrition bars, baked goods and ice cream without compromising palatability. Danisco Sweeteners, Donna Brooks, 800-255-6837, ext. 2521,
Diets high in dietary fiber help manage glycemic response and reduce the risk factors associated with some major chronic diseases. Formulating products with only traditional sources of high fiber can negatively affect the processing and—more importantly—the sensory profile of food's taste (eating satisfaction remains our top priority). NOVELOSE® and HI-MAIZE™ resistant starches allow formulators to deliver high dietary fiber with its documented effect on glycemic response and colon health, while maintaining great taste and texture. National Starch, 800-797-4992