The use of superfruits and natural ingredients and formulations are major trends, as consumers reduce artificial ingredients in their diets and focus on natural health benefits of fruits and vegetables. In Canada and the U.S., Gloji released Goji & Pomegranate Beverage under the Gloji Mix brand. Said to “make you glow,” the drink is available in a bottle in the shape of a light bulb, standing out on shelves next to other juices and nectars.
This interesting pairing of positioning and packaging is a creative method of differentiating a product on the shelf. Goji berry and pomegranate juices are becoming more familiar to North American consumers. In addition, the “naturally glowing” positioning that relies on the product’s natural antioxidant-rich ingredients creates an understated beauty drink that will appeal to consumers wanting naturally functional, non-dairy-based beverages. Consumers will likely look to this product as an enhancement and extension of their daily beauty routines.