Africa! is a five-part series that provides Kendall College School of Culinary Arts students an immersion in the roots of select countries’ cuisines--from a cultural and historical perspective to ingredients usage and cooking techniques. Each 45-minute seminar in the series will be followed by a 15-minute tasting of two dishes representing the region, prepared by Kendall College culinary-arts students.

Chef Wilbert Jones, president of Chicago-based Healthy Concepts, a food-product development and marketing company, and host of the upcoming cable-television series “A Taste of Africa: Culture and Cuisine from Casablanca to Cape Town” will moderate the events. He is host of the widely acclaimed “Healthy Heritage Kitchen” series that aired on PBS in 2008 and is the author of such groundbreaking books as Smothered Southern Foods, The New Soul Food Cookbook and Mama's Tea Cakes.

• Ethiopia: June 6, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
• South Africa: August 22, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
• Morocco: October 24, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
• Ghana: November 14, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

The location is Kendall College’s Woodmode Auditorium, 5th floor; 900 N. North Branch Street (at Halsted); Chicago.

RSVP or more info: Brent T. Frei, (847) 882-5499,

From the May 16, 2011, Prepared Foods E-dition