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consumers watching their carbs. A recipe or product must have a glycemic index of 55 or less to be classified as low GI. Low-GI product launch activity has been strongest to date in the U.S., Australia, South Africa and the UK.
-- Lu Ann Williams, Innova Market Insights, helpdesk@innovami.com, www.innovadatabase.com
Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Hi-maize® resistant starch, from National Starch, significantly improves insulin sensitivity in healthy and prediabetic individuals. It also increases satiety--both short-term (several hours after meals) and long-term satiety (up to 24 hours). Prevention and Health magazines are promoting resistant starch as important for glycemic and weight management in “The CarbLovers Diet” and “The Skinny Carbs Diet,” based upon more than 360 published studies with Hi-maize resistant starch. Hi-maize has a bland taste, white color and easily replaces flour--to add important metabolic benefits to a wide range of prepared foods. National Starch Food Innovation, Rhonda Witwer, 908-685-2742, Rhonda.witwer@nstarch.com, www.foodinnovation.com
Sweet Alternative
Cargill’s Xtend® sucromalt is a comprehensive response to requests from food formulators and healthcare professionals looking for “better-for-you,” more versatile alternatives to common carbohydrate sweeteners. Sucromalt, a novel carbohydrate syrup, has functional properties that are similar to other sweetener syrups, yet it has less impact on blood glucose fluctuations after eating. Based in part on clinical studies in healthy humans, there is evidence demonstrating sucromalt is fully digested, well-tolerated and has a reduced impact on glycemic response compared to other sweetener syrups. “Xtend sucromalt is an ideal addition to products positioned to consumers looking for reduced sugar and steadier energy delivery,” said Deborah Schulz, Xtend sucromalt product line manager, Cargill. “We are generating a lot of interest from customers seeking to offer these benefits to consumers. Xtend sucromalt is also appealing, because it can be used in a broad array of formulations, including nutrition bars, beverages, ice cream and other dairy products, jams and jellies, puddings, gelatins and yogurts.” Cargill, www.cargill.com/food/xtend
A Bulk Sweetener
Erythritol is a polyol used as a bulk sweetener in reduced-calorie and sugar-free foods. It is approximately 70% as sweet as sucrose and has a caloric value of 0.2 calories/g with high digestive tolerance. It does not promote tooth decay and is safe for people with diabetes. It flows easily, due to its non-hygroscopic character. It has FDA-notified GRAS status and is regulated as a direct food ingredient in Japan. Rochem International Inc., www.rochemintl.com
Gluten-free and Easy
Nu-BAKE, from Ribus, delivers the necessary functionality for bakery products that are natural, organic and gluten-free. It can replace soy lecithin and monoglycerides; extend shelflife; improve freezer life; reduce stickiness and oil uptake (when frying); and improve water retention. Bakery applications with Nu-BAKE include sheeted products, batters, mixes, dough systems and breads. Ribus’ ingredients are 100% natural, non-GMO, hypoallergenic and can be used in conventional, natural and certified-organic products. Ribus Inc., 314-727-4287, www.ribus.com
Improve Stevia Flavor Quality and Stability
Stevia Agent E-AJI, distributed by Shanghai Freemen Americas LLC, is a good-tasting stevia agent that has broad utility and stability. It is produced with molasses extract and methyl hesperidin to improve flavor quality and is manufactured by Mitsui Sugar Co. Ltd. Classified as a food additive and flavoring agent, the molasses extract in Stevia Agent E-AJI can eliminate undesirable flavor and mask bitter tastes; the methyl hesperidin helps to balance tastes and adds richness and thickness. Shanghai Freemen Americas LLC, 866-732-1940, info@shanghaifreemen.com, www.shanghaifreemen.com
Purely Sweet
From delicious dairy to bottled refreshment, Purefruit™ Monk Fruit Extract, from Tate & Lyle, adds great sweet taste. Purefruit is pure fruit essence, extracted from the monk fruit. One drop of monk fruit extract is 150-200 times sweeter than sugar. A natural water extraction process delivers a completely pure, zero-calorie sweetness that is perfect for product line extensions, revitalizations, reformulations and future product planning. Purefruit is great for use in juice, yogurt, flavored milk and much more. Tate & Lyle, 800-526-5728, www.tateandlyle.com NS