JoeFroyo's new lactose-free Clean Label Creamer™ focuses on simple, clean components, and is made with three ingredients: probiotics, milk and cream. JoeFroyo's new creamer aims to do more with less, packed with six live and active probiotic cultures and twice the amount of protein as most creamer products. It is also crafted to highlight the natural tasting notes in any coffee.

Prepared Foods Favorite Product Nominee

Though JoeFroyo Clean Label Creamer™ is made with high-quality Real California Milk® and cream, it is lactose-free – with probiotics and lactase converting the lactose into simpler, easy-to-digest carbohydrates. This process also adds a natural sweetness without any added sugars.

In keeping with the "clean" philosophy, JoeFroyo Clean Label Creamer™ doesn't feature any soy or gluten, and it is protected using cold pressure technology, which allows it to be produced without any preservatives. It also specially formulated to add body and dairy mellowness to coffee, without affecting the natural flavor characteristics.