Bare Performance Nutrition (BPN), a premium nutrition brand committed to high-quality ingredients, transparency and service, announced the appointment of Kat Thomas to chief executive officer. The CEO position was previously held by BPN’s Founder Nick Bare, who is now assuming the role of chief creative officer.

Thomas, who co-founded a ready-to-eat oats company and previously served as BPN’s chief revenue officer, will use her former leadership experience in the health and wellness space to expand BPN’s market and further the brand’s holistic success. With Thomas’s personal love for endurance sports and her advanced business knowledge, BPN will further strengthen its already successful and established brand.

Bare will remain an integral part of BPN’s DNA. His new role as chief creative officer will allow him to devote more time and energy exploring BPN’s creative avenues while still supporting the brand at large. Together, Thomas and Bare will use their expertise as they continue to grow the brand in 2023 and beyond.