REGISTER NOW for the Prepared Foods New Products Conference
Susan W. Allen
Sr. Director of Innovation
The Schwan Food Company
Chef Todd Erickson
Schwan’s Chef Collective member and Executive Chef
Haven South Beach and Huahua’s Taqueria
They say too many chefs spoil the broth. However, you can’t have enough when it comes to innovation. That’s why The Schwan Food Company created the “Schwan’s Chef Collective,” a chef advisory board who scouts ingredient trends, cooking methods and global cuisines. Here’s a case where Schwan, a multi-billion dollar company is reinvigorating its own traditional R&D process to cook up new ideas. Susan W. Allen and Chef Todd Erickson will talk about the new collaboration, and how Schwan is using the partnership to spur future innovation and cause disruption within their categories.
Learn more about the Prepared Foods New Products Conference.