Bioclinical Research Support
May 2012/NutraSolutions -- Applied BioClinical Inc. (ABC) is a new bioclinical research facility in Irvine, Calif., from FutureCeuticals Inc., a company involved in the research, development and manufacture of fruit, vegetable and grain-based products for the functional food markets. Zbigniew Pietrzkowski, Ph.D., will lead ABC’s research efforts as chief science officer. He previously served as FutureCeuticals’ vice president of R&D. Dr. Pietrzkowski developed a unique, discovery-based research platform for the rapid and cost-effective in clinico identification of biomarker-specific activity of fruit, vegetable and grain-based products and ingredients. His efforts were instrumental in the commercialization of many innovative patented technologies. – Applied BioClinical Inc.,www.abclinicaldiscovery.comNS