AIDP, Inc. announcd an exclusive agreement to distribute Alfalfa Protein - Luzixine™, a concentrated extract of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa), developed by L-RD, ( France). LUZIXINE™ is a vegan and 100% natural superfood rich in omega-3 offering many possibilities for nutraceutical formulations. It has a high protein concentration of 54% compared to non-concentrated alfalfa at just 20%. It contains all the essential amino acids and has a high digestibility around 70% and 85%. 

It also provides standardized vitamin content. LUZIXINE™, has been shown to have high levels of bioavailable iron and folic acid. It has also been shown to be beneficial for the growth of adolescents and children. It is a highly sustainable product since it prevents soil erosion due to its root system, protects biodiversity, and contains a very rich microfauna and macrofauna that can be up to 100 times higher than wheat. It is sourced and manufactured in France.